REDEN Online

This is the BETA version of a Web tool for named entity disambiguation and linking to the Linked Data cloud.

It takes in input XML-TEI document tagged with named entities, it then ouputs an enriched version of the input file, where these entities are referenced with a link.

The tool also provides two default types of visualization of ouput TEI content thanks to data such as geographic coordinates or pictures automatically retrieved from LD sets.

PLEASE NOTICE that this REDEN ONLINE web interface has only been tested on Google Chrome.


The source code of Reden Online can be found on the following repository. The standalone version, i.e. REDEN, is also available on this other repository, and can be configured for handling further use cases.

If you like to test our tool, please find hereafter two taggued TEI files, Guillaume Apollinaire's L’Hérésiarque et Cie (Labex OBVIL) and Albert Thibaudet's Réflexions sur la littérature (Labex OBVIL), the first one can be used to visualize place mentions on a map and the second one to display a gallery of authors' pictures mentioned in the text.


Let's work now!

Copy-paste the content of the TEI file in the input area below

More parameters

For instance, persName[not(@type='character')] selects persons which are not fictional characters, default is persName for persons and placeName for places

The default is ref_auto, Reden will assign the URI to a new xml attribute for every annotated entity

It may take some minutes..  


The following map shows distribution of places mentioned in the input TEI-XML file, geo-coordinates are obtained via French DBpedia (if chosen in the form).


The following gallery shows the important of authors measured as frequency of mention in the input TEI-XML file, data is obtained from Bibliothèque Nationale de France.